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时间:2021-12-29 10:19:59 | 浏览:5152 | 来源:易点通


     Yu Hui doors and windows Co. Ltd., located in Nanhai District of Guangdong province with the country's largest construction Aluminum Alloy production base of Foshan City, precipitation of aluminum door and window has many years of technology, design, development, production, sales and service in one. The company mainly from sliding door, hanging sliding door, sun room, door, window and other high-end luxury Aluminum Alloy doors and windows, is a base of high-grade aluminum doors and windows industry development related to the field of innovative enterprises. Products combined with the rhythm of the market, fashion elements into the best-selling domestic and foreign markets, by the community's high praise, as China's aluminum alloy doors and windows industry fashion brand leader.

     Yu Hui and adhere to the quality as the foundation, take the market as the basis, to innovation as the driving force, with the scientific management mode, excellent talent mechanism, strong R & D and production capacity, establish the excellent quality, unique product advantages. Yu doors and windows to establish a sound market system and channel model, with innovative products and professional services, to build a strong sales network has won the trust and support of domestic users.

     Adhering to the "quality achievement value" as the core concept, relying on large-scale production strength and strong scientific research personnel, Yu Hui doors and windows depending on the quality of products for the survival of the enterprise, the enterprise has formulated strict internal control standards, continuously develop in line with the trend of consumer Aluminum Alloy fine products: doors and windows has developed a series of heavy and noble series the new arc series, aristocrat series, European series, classic series and so on, to provide Aluminum Alloy doors and windows products of low carbon, environmental protection, highly personalized for the vast number of consumers.

     In the future, Yu Hui doors and windows company uphold integrity, innovation, pragmatic spirit, strong quality, image, and actively meet the challenges and build a steady pace into an international well-known brand, and make new contributions to the China Aluminum Alloy doors and windows industry.


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